Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Page 7 - Pilot, the dog, thinks I have gone crazy...

     Stops at Sacremento, CA and Reno, NV were somewhat routine, but the flight is challenging. The landscape was continuously changing, and I was compelled to keep close track of my flight path.
     Coming up on Wennemucca, darkness is coming on fast! If there is an airport, I don't see it. No lights to check the chart. Surface detail is almost gone as I come over the city of Wennemucca. No lights to indicate an airport. Time is running out, and I have to land! But, where? Should I go back to the lighted but closed airport? The landscape is not totally black as I cross a little river or stream and make a turn to the right. I see what appears to be a spot lighter than any place around it. Pilot, the dog, thinks I have gone crazy as he jumps to the baggage compartment.  He can sense all is not well. Can't see inside and have no idea how high I am above anything! I can see a tinge of twilight, but nothing in front of the plane as I try to see out the side window to try to see the surface of the ground before I hit it. I'm rolling! Things seem all right. As soon as possible, I come to a stop, and I really don't know where I'm at. I'd like to just set back and think about all of this but complete darkness is coming on. I need to be doing something.
     I get out of the airplane soon followed by Pilot, the dog. I can see the lights of Wennemucca in the distance, and how far away, I really don't know.
     My eyes, adjusting to the enviroment, I begin to walk away from the airplance to find something to identify where I am.
     As I walk, I can see faint outline of a building. As I get closer, I can see it looked like an office building.  The door of the building was hanging on one hinge. Now a closer look at things and I see the outline of an airplane. The airplane is cut in two. What did that?!  I look out to see my airplane, but it is so dark, I can't see it.
     Now what to do with my airplane my life line to Montana or anywhere. I get  to the airplane and try to push it, but then thinking I might push it into something and hurt it. I decide to pull it. Maybe I can see something before I hit it. As I pull the plane, I begin to see one edge of the old and abandoned office building, and as I get closer,  I can see the outline of the airplane that was tied down near the office building.

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