Monday, November 29, 2010

Page 8 - SPLASH! I fell into an irrigation ditch or river.

     Close enough. I stopped pulling my airplane to see where I could park it and tie it down.

     "How can I tie it down?"  I can't see the tie down area or even if there is another tie down area.  I walk up to the wing of the tied down airplane, get down on my knees, and started crawling in the direction of a possible tie down spot. Blessed, I found a tie down spot with a rope. If I'm lucky, the next tie down spot or tie down rope should not be that far away. "I found it!"

Winnemucca Mountain at sunset

     Now to get my airplane and somehow pull it into the tie down location and not hit the airplane that is already there. I have nothing but time, and I will take my time with utmost care. Finally, I have the airplane bedded down for the night. I didn't tie the tail down as there was no wind.
     It is getting cold. I'll freeze in the airplane! I should walk to town.

     I walk toward the lights of Wennemucca carrying a brief  case that contains charts and other important things. Pilot is right beside me. BANG! I walked into a barbed wire fence! Now, I can see the lights of a car, so I know there is a highway near. I can hear water running. I can't swim and don't have a change of clothes. I slowly walk to the highway. Maybe, I can catch a ride into town. SPLASH! I fell into an irrigation ditch or river. I have to tread water and try to make it to the other side. I have no idea where Pilot is. A couple of  minutes pass, and I have made it to the other bank, and Pilot is back with me.
     A long walk, in freezing temperatures, as I made it into Wennemucca.  The first place I come to is a service station and I"m happy that it was still open for business.
     I would tell the attendant that I needed a phone, if there was one available, and I needed to close a flight plan since I arrived a couple of hours ago.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Page 7 - Pilot, the dog, thinks I have gone crazy...

     Stops at Sacremento, CA and Reno, NV were somewhat routine, but the flight is challenging. The landscape was continuously changing, and I was compelled to keep close track of my flight path.
     Coming up on Wennemucca, darkness is coming on fast! If there is an airport, I don't see it. No lights to check the chart. Surface detail is almost gone as I come over the city of Wennemucca. No lights to indicate an airport. Time is running out, and I have to land! But, where? Should I go back to the lighted but closed airport? The landscape is not totally black as I cross a little river or stream and make a turn to the right. I see what appears to be a spot lighter than any place around it. Pilot, the dog, thinks I have gone crazy as he jumps to the baggage compartment.  He can sense all is not well. Can't see inside and have no idea how high I am above anything! I can see a tinge of twilight, but nothing in front of the plane as I try to see out the side window to try to see the surface of the ground before I hit it. I'm rolling! Things seem all right. As soon as possible, I come to a stop, and I really don't know where I'm at. I'd like to just set back and think about all of this but complete darkness is coming on. I need to be doing something.
     I get out of the airplane soon followed by Pilot, the dog. I can see the lights of Wennemucca in the distance, and how far away, I really don't know.
     My eyes, adjusting to the enviroment, I begin to walk away from the airplance to find something to identify where I am.
     As I walk, I can see faint outline of a building. As I get closer, I can see it looked like an office building.  The door of the building was hanging on one hinge. Now a closer look at things and I see the outline of an airplane. The airplane is cut in two. What did that?!  I look out to see my airplane, but it is so dark, I can't see it.
     Now what to do with my airplane my life line to Montana or anywhere. I get  to the airplane and try to push it, but then thinking I might push it into something and hurt it. I decide to pull it. Maybe I can see something before I hit it. As I pull the plane, I begin to see one edge of the old and abandoned office building, and as I get closer,  I can see the outline of the airplane that was tied down near the office building.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Page 6 - The weather is a no go for now

     November 10, 1952. I awake before sun up, check all the things I will need to make the trip. "Pilot" can sense my excitement, and he likes to fly and will be a good companion.  I open the door of the trailer home to find the fog so thick you could cut it with a knife.  I go over to the office. I can't even see the runway lights. It is so foggy. I call San Francisco tower to see about the weather to find it is no go for now.
     Just like the dreams have been telling me.  These dreams will not turn me loose, as it is late in the year and it will be near mid morning probably before the fog clears. I will call each hour and hope they don't get irritated with me.
     Before going on this flight, I had talked about some of the fuel stops with the San Francisco Land Company which had a Dehavaland Beaver. They would tell me that when I get to Winnemucca, Nevada not to land at the first airport I would come to as it was closed. With no real cross country experience and having never been up in the Winnemucca area before, I will remember what the San Francisco Land Company told me.
     How I would like to get an early start! I'm nearly overwhelmed with excitement. It's near noon, and the fog is so thick I can hardly see the end of the runway at the San Mateo airport. One o'clock. I call the San Francisco tower again. No go. Finally about 2pm they called me by name and gave me a clearance to cross the Oakland Bay at a certain altitude.
     I bid my wife and daughter goodbye as Pilot and I enter the airplane and started on our way. Weather is marginal, but I'm on my way. Sacremento is the first fuel stop and all is okay. Reno, Nevada, the second fuel stop, and all is okay. Now it is late in the afternoon, go or no go, it is on to Lovelock, Nevada, and the sun is about to set. I have to be very careful as I decide to go on to Winnemucca. Can I make Winnemucca before dark? Now, the sun is down. As I fly on, I begin to lose surface detail. I see car lights, but not the shapes of the cars. As I can probably see the lights of Wennemucca, I see a lighted airport. But the Land Company said that airport is closed!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Page 5 - There is my plane that looks worse than I feel.

Evening, November 9, 1952, I'm climbing up on a wing of a Stinson Reliant. I was fueling the airplane when there is someone pulling on my trousers. I look down to see who it might be. One of the mechanics has told me that I was going to Montana tomorrow! I started shaking and nearly crying and told the mechanic not to tease me, that my heart is nearly broken and if he looks on down the row of airplanes, there is my plane that looks worse than I feel.  The mechanic said this is not a joke and that when I get through servicing the Stinson to go get the other mechanic or both of them and they will pull the airplane down to the shop!
     "How about all of this?  How is this all happening?" I nearly pump gas on the ground I'm so excited about this change of events. SOMEONE CARES FOR ME! SOMEONE IS WATCHING OVER ME!
     We get the airplane down to the shop. I have told my wife about this strange turn of events, and that I will go to Montana or start to Montana tomorrow. I tell my wife that the mechanics have the airplane in the shop. I had no idea that some time earlier they had ordered a new windshield for the airplane, and they had a used propeller that would work on my plane. Everything is a go despite one of the mechanics wife had earlier in the day had a mild heart seizure. They assured me she was going to be all right, and the mechanics would still be able to work on the plane.

Pilot flew 11 years with Harlan.

     My wife would start cooking some treats and brewing coffee. In two hours flat, the windshield had been replaced, the hole in the wing repaired, just not a final coat of dope or no color. I didn't need the damaged portion of the wing repainted to fly.  They would fix a section of the engine cowling and replaced the propeller with the used propeller that would work on that engine. It would perform a little different that the original propeller, but it would for sure work. They even installed a temporary two way radio. All is well. The mechanics and a higher authority had faith in what I can do. Tomorrow, at sun up, I will head off across the San Francisco Bay and on my way to Montana! Even my dog Pilot could sense my excitement.  I don't know if I can even sleep, but I don't care. I'm finally going to go to Montana!